Saturday, August 14, 2021

Humanizing the scenery

Mom died in 2016.   Dad died in 2017.  Sweet Hubby's mom died in 2018.  Our adorable little Stachie kitty died in 2019.  2020 was COVID.  And Donald Trump was there through it all.  It's been a bad few years.  But I'm aware that they haven't been nearly as bad for me as for many others, what with war, famine, tyranny, violence, and whatnot.

I know, I know.  Our own is the only pain we truly feel and every person's problem is her worst problem, no matter how insignificant it might look to others.  Comparisons are pointless, I know, I know.  But still, I can't help but wonder what life is like for others, to try to put myself in their place, and to keep some perspective on my own ups and down.  Sometimes when Sweet Hubby and I are driving somewhere, one or the other of us will say "Look at all these other cars, these other drivers.  Every one of them is going someplace.  The life of every one of them is as meaningful to them as ours is to us."  It's a small observation, but it wakes me up every time.

It seems to me that it's vital that each one of us think about the other person, about other people.  Grant him his humanity.  Remember that your life is just as much mere scenery for her life as hers is for yours.  We've got to remember that we share the planet and that all of us want to live decent lives.  We must see the fullness of the life of other people, if for no better reason than because then the fullness of our own lives might be recognized.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. And I've had similar thoughts about others: "They love their kids just like I love mine." and "Where they're going is just as important to them as my destination is to me."

    But I have to say, it feels like too darn many people out there don't see think about or see the humanity of those of us who are different (or perceived as different) than they. All they can see is the differences.

    Yours is an uplifting and thoughtful attitude and post. Thank you. xoA <3
