I have realized that it is not the corona virus I need to prepare myself for, although Sweet Hubby and I did make sure today that we have enough of our meds and St. Croix. What I and my loved ones (and that includes you) need to prepare ourselves for is the very real possibility of another four years of Trump. It's a terrifying prospect. He would be so unleashed this time; I have little doubt he would find a way to start a war and blame the other guy and be applauded by his followers. Four more years of more political chaos, of all this stunning, breathtaking, gleeful hypocrisy and ignorance. I'm not sure how I will stand it.
Something I have never heard anyone say is, "Mr. Trump, every President has been subject to Article 2 of the Constitution. Are you saying that Obama could do whatever he wanted to? And Clinton? God forbid, George W. Bush (who almost did do whatever he wanted, with the permission of Congress, and they should all now be writhing in their sleep at the wickedness they've done, the wars they've started, the lives wasted. Are you wishing now that you had had an exit strategy, Mr. Bush, as so many of us begged you to have? Are you proud of the hatred for this country that you have sown?)? You, Mr. Trump, are not special in this regard, and Article 2 does not, in fact allow you to do anything you want. The authors of the Constitution were trying to escape the rule of a king, not create it.
Besides preparing ourselves emotionally for the coming term, besides being as politically active as our schedules and consciences allow, we must not must not let ourselves fall into despair and cynicism. That's a win for the wrong team. We must be strong and stay kind and seek to heal the wounds that are being inflicted by all the current ugliness. We must take the very long view of history and see that political malignancy didn't start here, and the government and this country won't end here. And foremost, we must take back the Senate so there can be checks and balances again. We can be saved, but we must do the saving.
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