Thursday, April 2, 2020

If only...

I have seen the possible blessing of this time of virus isolation.  My means of being a better person out in the world are fairly limited now.  But I could - no, I can - no, I will use this time to become a better wife to Sweet Hubby.  There is lots of room for improvement, and this is a perfect retreat time for that.  I'm isolated with a man I absolutely adore and enjoy and trust, and who also sometimes irks me and brings out the Dad in me.  I will use this time to authentically soften my spiky places, strengthen my patience and understanding and appreciation, and learn to let love be bigger and kinder.

I could/can/will reinvent or reassert myself as a playwright.  This could be the biggest blessing of all, all this quiet time with no running off to visit with friends or go out to eat or see plays and movies.  I'm going to have to dig deep to do this, really focus myself.  And if I don't, there will be no shame in it.  I will simply recognize that my playwriting days are behind me, that I haven't the juice for it any more.  I won't have to struggle with it; it will happen quite naturally.

Ah, if only...

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