Sunday, November 28, 2021



In the seed is the daisy or the mighty green saguaro.

In the rain is the river that will feed the sea tomorrow.

In the match is the fire that becomes a conflagration.

In the step is the journey that becomes the destination.


In the hearts of the children

In the words of the leaders

In the deeds of the people

            Is the future

            Is the future


In the asking “How can I?” there begins a new invention.

In one voice is the founding of a movement of dissension.

In the kiss of the lovers is another generation.

In a song are ideas that could rouse a sleeping nation.


In the hearts of the children

In the words of the leaders

In the deeds of the people

            Is the future

            Is the future

1 comment:

  1. I was excited to see and read your poem. I love the form, the rhymes, and near rhymes. Great structure, starting with a small or singular thing and moving to the grand; then there's the refrain of hope. Thank you! xoA <3
