Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Two great mysteries

There are, of course, many mysteries great and small in the world of being human, but I am plagued by two in particular.

The first is: How is it possible that so many people in power either are or have become so terribly hypocritical, mean-spirited, divisive, angry, smug, corrupt, greedy, and ignorant?  I have never been able to completely rid myself of the assumption that on some level, these fanatical Republicans of whom I speak know full well that they have backed a bad horse and are perpetuating lies about a supposedly stolen election and an insurrection they say deserves no deeper investigation.  They must know they've sold their souls.  Or, even more disturbing, have they actually bought into their own lies?  Such a puzzlement.

The other mystery is: What on earth are Sweet Hubby and I doing when we're asleep?  Every morning, I find that the mattress has crept over toward SH's side, the sheets are pulled over toward my side, and the bedspread is way over on SH's side.  How is this even physically possible?  What weird tossing and turning are we doing that results in such uneven distribution of the bedding?  How is it possible for the sheet to go one way and the bedspread another, and why is the mattress moving, and always in one direction?  

These are some of the conundrums taking my attention.  There are others, but these are the big ones, and, unless I set up a camera to record us sleeping, I will probably never have a satisfying answer to either one.

1 comment:

  1. Paragraph one made me shake my head in agreement (a VERY "bad horse"); paragraph 2 made me chuckle aloud. The 3rd paragraph made me smile. Thanks for an entertaining piece, Babs. xoA
