Tuesday, April 11, 2023

My superpower

To be able to fly would be fun, of course.  In fact, it would be amazing.  It might also be a giggle to be able to be invisible.  And I've certainly wished I could shape my body any way I wanted to without having to change how I eat.

But really, if I were truly granted one superpower, I would want to be able to live inside someone else for a while, then come back to myself and remember what life was like for that person - or animal, since I'm terribly curious about how my kitties see the world.  What are thoughts like without language?  What do they think about when they stare off into the distance?  How do Sweet Hubby and I register to them?

I'm just so gosh darned interested in what life is like for other people.  When I lived in Los Angeles, there was a woman named Angeline who was famous for nothing more than having huge breasts and dyed blonde hair.  There were billboards of her all over the city, with her thrusting out her bosom in a way that would disgust a hungry baby.  Once when she was interviewed on TV, she was asked if her hair was real.  "Yes" she simpered, "and so are these", although the interview hadn't asked about her boobies.  I often wondered: who was she to herself?  When she was alone, facing her mirror, was she pleased with what she saw?  Was she satisfied to be known for little more than her bust size?  What did she want?  What was she hoping for?

What is the inner life of that screaming homeless - sorry, unhoused - person like?  Who is he screaming at?  Does he know no one is there?  What brought him to this state?  How does he see other people?

What is Trump's inner life like?  Chaotic and angry, always scanning for dangers to his ego?  Self-satisfied?  Scared?  Does/did he feel powerful?  Is he always hungry for more?  More money, more fame, more power, more accolades?  It doesn't seem possible to me that he could be happy, nor even content.  Is he lonely?  Does he have even an idea of what it might be like to have a true friendship or a loving marriage?  

And how about those people in politics and on Fox who have betrayed their own integrity for the sake of money and power?  Lindsey Graham let us know what he thought of candidate Trump, and then reversed his position utterly when DT came to power.  Tucker Carlson revealed under oath that he despised Trump and never believed the Big Lie about the election being stolen.  Do they and their like ever have twinges of conscience or are they caught up in their political shenanigans and just want to stay in power, no matter how many pieces of their soul they lose?

And what about my Dad?  What demons was he wrestling with that he had no vocabulary to talk about?  I would love to know what his internal life was like, who he was to himself, and how he felt about his choices and his actions.

But alas, no superpowers are being offered.  I guess I'll just have to stay earthbound, visible, plump, and curious.


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