Thursday, January 9, 2020

A Clear and President Danger

I have spent the last several years in a continual state of anger, disgust, and despair.  Only recently have I come to understand at whom I am truly angry.  I’m not angry at Trump.  He is who he is, who he has always been: a braggart, a narcissist, a bully, an uneducated  man who has been given enormous power. 
I am not even angry at his true believers, his most fervent acolytes.  There seems to be no doubt in their minds that he is The One.  The one to lead us and represent us in the world.  The one to set our standards of behavior.  The one to whom we look in times of crisis.  Even if Trump draws us into nuclear war with Russia or China or Iran, these followers will undoubtedly blame the other country.  Something very, very personal is going to have to happen in their lives for them even to consider changing their minds.
No, I’m mad at those men and women to whom we have also given a great deal of power, those who scorned and reviled Trump when he was a candidate but since have become his strongest enablers.  They’ve made it clear that they recognize how terribly unsuited he is for the office of President.  However, once he was elected they realized that his inexperience and ignorance were gifts to their party, that they would be able to mold his agenda to theirs, turn him into their mouthpiece. These people are devoted by choice.  It is they who frighten and disgust me.  Don’t they realize that their pet is out of control and actually could take us into a devastating war?  History will deal harshly with these people, but that is little consolation now.

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