Friday, January 24, 2020

You first. No, actually, me first.

It's hard to know what to say any more about gun violence, and violence in general, because it seems to be getting so much worse, so random, but I guess not unfathomable.  There are currents of anger and anguish and territoriality running through our culture, which 45 and Fox have not necessarily caused, but have certainly tapped into and nurtured.  

I sometimes wonder if some of this global societal stress boils down simply to the fact that there are too many of us and resources and opportunity are scarcer, or is it that there has always been this much violence, but now, with the introduction of the Internet, we hear about it more, or more about it?  Or has it actually gotten worse?  Has human growth been toward more aggression rather than toward more peacefulness and sense of community?  Over and over, I keep returning to the one resting place that gives me any sense of right response: I just need to be the kind of person I wish everyone were, to be kind and open minded and unselfish.  But I'm as bad as anyone about becoming argumentative, or talking sweepingly about "them" (usually Republicans, sometimes religious fanatics of all stripes, sometimes "the bad guys") and how wrong and awful they are.  If I can't find it in my heart to be more understanding and inclusive than that, how can I expect it of anyone else, when I have more than most?  More love in my life, more opportunities, more friends, more resources, more education than so many others.  If I can't be a loving, kind, honorable person, then how can I expect it of anyone else?

1 comment:

  1. This is amazingly self-aware! If more people were similarly there might be less of what you describe.
