Friday, October 2, 2020

A Most Excellent Day

Today was one of the best days I've had in a long time.  I've been so full of anger and outrage and anxiety lately, getting too little sleep, chewing and chewing on dark thoughts and arguments.  But today wiped away a lot of that and really brought out the sun.

For one thing, last night Sweet Hubby and I had dinner with our across-the-street neighbors, outside, of course, and safely distanced.  It was so lovely to sit on the patio and chat and eat with friends, especially since I lifted not a finger to prepare the meal.  It was their gift to us for giving them passes to the Pt. Townsend digital Film Festival.  Just lovely to be together, surrounded by their many animals, gnawing on tender ribs and wolfing down homemade sourdough bread and the best cole slaw, just talking about everything - except politics.  We did our best to stay away from that, for the sake of our digestion and our hearts.

Then there's the fact that I got a whole night of sleep last night.  I did wake up once to pee and once to take a migraine pill, but both times got back to sleep and got a little more than 8 hours.  I had thought I was going down a long, dark tunnel of depression, but it's quite possible I have just been sleep deprived.

Today, SH and I took a whole day away, drove north on I-5, then south on Hwy. 9, which is a lovely drive through a rural, treesy part of the state, pretty and peaceful.  It's not very often that we have a whole day when we are actually in each other's company; so often, even if we are both home all day, we are head-down into our singular activities or side by side watching a movie together.  A whole day of talking and holding hands and being lookout for each other while we peed behind trees.  Such a relaxed, sweet day.

And perhaps best of all, today came the news that POTUS and FLOTUS have COVID.  I know it's terribly wicked of me to be over-the-moon joyful about someone getting sick, but after his months of denial and misinformation and neglect, working to convince his followers that the virus is a hoax or being overplayed, it's just superb that he's got it.  Now perhaps those ardent acolytes of his who follow his lead in denying will finally realize this is a real problem and absolutely must be dealt with.

There's some speculation that he doesn't actually have it, but is using this as an excuse to get out of the next two debates after the debacle of the first one.  But I don't buy that.  I think he'd use almost any excuse but COVID if he wanted out of the debates.  (The first was pointless anyway, with all the yelling and accusations and name calling and interrupting.  An unprecedented car crash, not a debate at all.  Poor Biden surely wanted to discuss issues but ended up defending himself against the onslaught of a caveman with not the slightest sliver of statesmanship in him.)  There is also speculation that he is using this announcement as a ploy to get sympathy votes and a rise in his numbers.  Maybe.  He must be desperate.  Good.  I despise, loathe, abhor, dislike, and hate this man and the damage he's done.  I'm glad he's sick.  

It was a good day.

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