Wednesday, April 28, 2021

To my friends and family, just in case

I can't help but think about what life will be like, what state I'll be in, should the worst happen and Sweet Hubby dies before me.  (He has promised I get to go first, but we both know a promise like that can't always be kept.)  I've been composing a message that I would want to send to the most important people in my life, should that happen.  I'm writing it now because I don't know if I will be capable of it then.

"Dear loved ones, I'm going to need help to survive this.  I need someone to make sure I eat once in a while, and drink lots of water, and take a shower now and then.  I need to know that Flow is taken care of.  If you are able, please come, for a few hours or a few days, whatever you can do without neglecting your own life.  I'll have the futon set up.

"But please only come if you can be with me as I go through this.  Don't try to make me feel better.  Just be with me.  It's probably going to be hard and scary.   I have to know that you will take care of yourself, too.  If for any reason you can't come, know that you will never have to apologize or explain.  I trust you to know what you are capable of, what you have to give.

"Someone please step up and coordinate with the others.  Thank you in advance for your love and company."

I'm fortunate to have people in my life I could send this to, people I trust, people who care and will show up if they can.  May there never be a need.

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