Sunday, January 8, 2023

Change your partner

Today I'm going to be taking a long walk on the university campus, and as I was making my plans last night, I was thinking "I wish Sweet Hubby liked to hike and take longer walks."  And, indeed, it would be great to have his company when I'm walking.

But then I realized that to wish him to like something he doesn't like would be to ask for him to be a different person.  And why would I want to do that when who I love is who he is, as he is?

Certainly there are some actions or behaviors I feel I have a right to object to or ask to be modified.  "Would you please close the bathroom cabinet when you're done?"  "Would you please use these towels instead of those towels?"  Things like that.  But to ask him to like something he doesn't is a different category, beyond the realm of behavior and into character and temperament.  I admit that he does have a legitimate reason not to like long walks, since they make his joints ache.  For his sake, I do wish that were different.  But even without that, he has made it clear that he is just not a hiker guy

But why would I want to change the best thing that has ever happened to me and the best person I know?

This line of thought makes me wonder how many other people in my life I have wished to be different than they are, and how foolish, not to mention pointless, that is.  I don't know that anybody could get me to enjoy golf.

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